Sérénité de la nature…

2020 - 2021

En ce temps de confinement, les paysages se reflètent dans mes dessins et peintures. Comme un désir irrépressible d’escapade qui incite à l’exploration de la nature, de sa lumière, de ses bruits, de ses odeurs...

J’adore dessiner sur du papier Mylar. Le trait au fusain glisse bien et se démarque. La couleur acrylique vient rehausser la nature du sujet et le conforter dans ses éléments.


Tranquility of Nature…

2020 - 2021

In this time of introspection I turned to the natural landscape for inspiration and this is reflected in my recent drawings and paintings. Nature; the smells, sounds, colour and ever-changing light nourished and inspired me during this quiet period.

Once again I enjoyed  working with Maylar paper. Charcoal slides easily on it and remains sharp and clear while the vivid colours of acrylic are emphasized and defined in all their wonderful hues. As always, the richness of the oils permit me to explore the full spectrum of colours to the maximum.

Mostly I rediscovered how the communion with nature in all its glory nourishes and sustains us.